

I used to go to visit my family and best friend every year. Sometimes I would stay with my family and sometimes I would stay with my best friend. I usually go around the Christmas holiday and leave after the Egyptian Christmas to cover everything. Go to vineyards, local casinos and the beach. I haven’t been there in almost three years.


I would also meet my friends in Las Vegas once a year for a girls weekend, but I have not done that in probably 5-6 years. We usually stay at a nice hotel, go to a club, buffet Sunday brunch, have some gambling, and the weekend is over. It is a nice visit.


I would love to go on a cruise anywhere for a three to four-day vacation that only costs about a few hundred dollars. Mexico, Caribean, or Uk. Four people experiencing life together. Taking pictures making memories and new found friends.


This vacation would be anywhere out of the country. I would love to see the Colosseum, the green grass of Ireland, Stonehenge, pyramids, and Asia jungles. I think experiencing things that we take for granted may change someone’s perspective in life.

Right now I can’t even afford to just to see my family. I want the inspiration to make it important to do or a regular basis. I do have a link for my friends and family to help me with building a travel fund.

Oxnard Christmas 2015