Facilitating for the First Time

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Hello. I co-facilitated a Sip n Paint provided through Reach Studio by Redline Contemporary Art Center. It was located at Spangalang Brewery. The was an event from the 48 Hours of Socially-Engaged Art & Conversation Summit. I was so proud to participate. I did not post my work but it is soon to come. Down below are some pictures I took.

I am doing things different in my life. I am actually an artist, among some of my many pursuits of happiness. I sew, write, and create. I actually consider myself a creator. This is a post to explain where I am in my life. Feel free to stop by for more.

Remove The ‘Windows 10’ Icon

People are having problems with Windows 10 installing on the computer or having the Windows 10 ad always on your screen. I am hate having this on my screen. Windows 10 keeps asking you to install it. Microsoft has it in your updates to keep this on your taskbar. Now there is a solution.

Ultimate Insider is offering software at no cost (he does accept donations) for removing the annoying Windows 10 ad on your computer. He has a step by step video, which is below, to show you how to remove this ad from your computer. It is the best way to help with this problem and I would like to suggest to people that want this issue resolved to try him out!

Ultimate Outsider


Cheap Fare

Farewell to my fare
Goodbye to cheap travel
Trips downtown wil be rare
And my world may unravel.

Farewell to leisure time
And enjoying the outdoor
At home out of my mind
Laying around on the floor

Staying in my place
Just being bored
While the world goes by
Not even going to the store.

The fare will change
I have to adjust
I may take a trip
But notin a rush.

I need to budget
To get a pass
Or say farewell bus
I’m home alas.



I used to go to visit my family and best friend every year. Sometimes I would stay with my family and sometimes I would stay with my best friend. I usually go around the Christmas holiday and leave after the Egyptian Christmas to cover everything. Go to vineyards, local casinos and the beach. I haven’t been there in almost three years.


I would also meet my friends in Las Vegas once a year for a girls weekend, but I have not done that in probably 5-6 years. We usually stay at a nice hotel, go to a club, buffet Sunday brunch, have some gambling, and the weekend is over. It is a nice visit.


I would love to go on a cruise anywhere for a three to four-day vacation that only costs about a few hundred dollars. Mexico, Caribean, or Uk. Four people experiencing life together. Taking pictures making memories and new found friends.


This vacation would be anywhere out of the country. I would love to see the Colosseum, the green grass of Ireland, Stonehenge, pyramids, and Asia jungles. I think experiencing things that we take for granted may change someone’s perspective in life.

Right now I can’t even afford to just to see my family. I want the inspiration to make it important to do or a regular basis. I do have a link for my friends and family to help me with building a travel fund.

Oxnard Christmas 2015

Things that Sync

I was reading my emails when I saw a link that lead to a Good House Keeping article about childhood stars and where are they now. I then went to the room because I was sleepy. I turned the tv on and the show “Family Ties” was on. Later that evening I saw him in a show called, “The Good Wife”.

I called my mother and told her about the incident. She remembered that the other day I read off names of actors/actresses that were still alive from her era. She asked about Katherine Hepburn and mentioned that her sister played on a show with Jackie Gleason. I said it was called the “Honey Mooners”. A little later I was talking to another person when that show came on. I saw the woman and her name was Audrey but she had a different last name. So I took a picture and sent it to my mom’s phone.

I bought a lotto ticket because I thought I would win. It seems like that wasn’t just good luck, it just was a lot of coincidences in one day. Maybe one day I’ll actually win the lottery randomly that would be awesome.

Running the Streets

I started the day tired from a late night. I had a few friends in my house and they left an hour before me. I had an appointment that was an hour and a half away. I missed my first bus. I didn’t let that discourage me from keeping good spirits. As I waited we saw a 6 car pile up because of the slippery ice. I had someone to keep me company on the first bus and then I had someone who talked with me on the second bus so it made the time go fast. Afterwards, I headed home and wrote the last blog as I travelled.

When I got off the bus I started heading to the store to cash a check when a guy asked for a cigarette. I said I was gonna buy one for my neighbor so he walked with. He said he just got homeless which, of course, made me more sympathetic. At the store I realize I couldn’t give him a cigarette from my neighbor. So I got him his own pack but he stayed with me. I got a tv from a pawn shop and he asked to hang out for awhile at my house and I said I am not in the mood to entertain because I have been gone since noon. It is about 6:30 pm and I offered to buy dinner. I let him come in to carry my tv, but he asked for a hug. I thought maybe he is feeling bad, but there was an ulterior motive. I immediately left my place and bought dinner at 7-11 so that I could end the visit.

My heart is big when it comes to homeless people because of my experience of homelessness. I know this was a bad thing to do, having him in my home, but it was only for ten minutes. I was firm and he did appreciate the food. We sat at 7-11 and eat then I said good night. I feel sorry for people that want to take advantage of people. I would have given him bus fare to go downtown where the shelters were, but he didn’t want it.

I ended my night by washing a load of clothes. I watched some tv in my bed and I thought that it was important to reflect on my actions in a positive way.

Rainy November

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Singin’ in the Rain.”

As I sit here listening to the rain, I think about going out for a little while. I have a rough day with people refusing to pay me my money and other people pretending that they have my back. I have been blogging most of the day too! I want to enjoy one of mother nature’s pure experience.

I sit and think about Noah’s story. It rained over a month and I am sure it was damp and humid. Everyone stuck together for such a long time and getting to know each other well. I am sure the smells were bad too. How can someone live with that much rain and not feel sad because they can go walking around? Being able to walk or sing in the rain would be nice.

I have seen the movie before. I know on the cartoon “Robots” they did a similar song. I know plenty of people use the rain to make them happy and feel like singing. I don’t like water myself, but I think I should get out the house anyway. The rain seems better in my apartment because I am at the top of the building and I can hear it pretty good.

Why does Chacalit write?

I write because it frees up my mind. I have been writing for quite some time but didn’t really want anyone to read it. I do spend lots of time talking on the phone, but writing is a better way to let you thoughts flow. I spend some lonely nights talking about the things that happen to me but when I write about it I get more words out. I have written on blogs about my experience as a homeless person, but it was the same as now. I realize now I could have made my blog more focused.

I have several blogs. I have a blog about an addiction. I used to have a blog about homelessness but I am no long homeless so I do know how to remedy that yet. I have a blog about my crazy adventures and a separate one for other people’s crazy things. I have this one that I had not decided what to do with it, but now I can use it for my classes. I probably should condense these blogs, but some are on separate sites.

My new tool I use to help me with my writing is this thing I use on my browser that is called Grammarly and it helps me with grammar. There is an email they send out (like newsletter) that gives me a breakdown of how many words I wrote, errors, and vocabulary. It gets me excited to write more the next week.

I want to become a real writer but and an English teacher told me if I don’t write I can’t become a writer, so I started blogging. I like the blogging because it seems so informal. I would love to write my own book someday. Experiencing issues can be troublesome but writing about it can be therapeutic. I found that if I share it with the world it can be inspiring. Now I just get my voice heard and people are welcome to visit.